Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a subscription service for customers to receive fresh, local produce directly from farmers. Customers pay for a "share" of the harvest, and since payment is received in advance of the growing season, this helps farmers with crop planning and managing cash flow.
Like investors, CSA members reap the benefit and share the risks of small-scale farming. You’ll enjoy bumper crops (and we’ll share preservation tips so you can enjoy your herbs in the winter) and experience the real impacts of an extreme weather event or unexpected crop failure. Rest assured, though, we’ll always fill your CSA deliveries with the value of your purchase.
We deliver freshly harvested produce to your home or office every other Wednesday during the CSA season.
Note: we offer a discount for members who choose to pick up their items at the farm, Tacoma Knife Sharpening and Mercantile, or are willing to receive multiple drop-offs at the same location.
During the “off” week, we’ll send a newsletter with what produce to expect in the upcoming delivery, new recipes, and any tips or techniques for preparing and preserving your items. And probably lots of photos of our chickens and farm dog.
If you’re out of town, contact us at least a week in advance to gift your CSA delivery to a friend or neighbor. Alternatively, we can donate it a local household in need.
While other CSAs may allow for swapping items to build more customizable boxes, we are choosing not to this first year. This eases some of the logistics of crop planning and harvesting. We also really like the idea of our supporters preparing the same recipes throughout the year. We hope this helps you feel part of a community and connected with your fellow CSA members.